Biometric Photo

Biometric Photo

A biometric photograph is a digitally recorded image that conforms to the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). These photographs are machine-readable and utilized in identity cards, adhering to specific dimensions and characteristics, and encompassing facial biometrics.

"Biometric" is a term used in automatic systems compliant with international standards for identifying individuals. It denotes measurable biological traces to express an individual's identity. Three different biometric data types are employed in e-passports: facial recognition, fingerprints, and iris scans. Hence, biometric photograph requirements are imposed on new identity card and passport applications. However, biometric photographs must meet certain specifications.

Where Can Biometric Photographs Be Used?

Biometric photographs find application not only in identity documents but also in various travel documents such as passports or driver's licenses. Legislation mandates the use of biometric photographs in newly issued identification documents, passports, and driver's licenses.

How should a biometric photograph be?

It is a type of photograph that is of high quality, with only a white background and no other objects present. Its resolution is higher compared to traditional passport-sized photographs. Biometric photographs, which are defined by standards set by ICAO, must have certain characteristics. The most important aspect is that a biometric photograph should be taken against a white background and there should be no objects other than the person in the photo. Additionally, for a photograph to be accepted as biometric, it must be taken correctly following the guidelines below:

  • It should have been taken within the last 6 months.

  • The background should be plain, clean and white, and care should be taken to avoid shadows.

  • The photo must have neutral colors and maintain its naturalness.

  • It must be frameless.

  • The individual should face the camera directly, avoiding smiles or frowns.

  • The light hitting the face, contrast, color tones and brightness must be adjusted well.

  • The photo must have no ink marks or wrinkles and have a high print resolution.

  • Accessories such as hats, jewelry, or headphones should be avoided.

  • If wearing numbered glasses, ensure the frames do not obstruct the eyes or eyebrows.

  • In photos taken with flash, care should be taken to avoid red eyes.

What Is the Validity Period of Biometric Photographs?

Biometric photographs are used for official registration processes and must reflect the individual's current appearance. Therefore, they must have been taken within the past 6 months.

Biometric Photograph with Headscarf

In a biometric photograph with a headscarf, the face must be fully visible from the chin to the forehead, and the headscarf should not obscure facial features.

Biometric Photographs for Children

While holding a child, your arms and hands should not be visible in the photograph. All other rules are consistent with those for adults.

Can Glasses Be Worn in Biometric Photographs?

Yes, glasses can be worn in biometric photos, but they should not have colored lenses, and reflections or glare in the photo should be avoided. Glass frames should not cover the eyes or eyebrows.

Can Makeup Be Applied in Biometric Photographs?

When applying makeup for biometric photos, pastel tones should be used, and contouring that alters facial features should be avoided. Additionally, distinctive features such as birthmarks should not be concealed.

Can Accessories Be Worn in Biometric Photographs?

No, unless it’s required, accessories should not be worn.

What Should Be Worn in Biometric Photographs?

While there is no official rule, a white top should be avoided due to the requirement of a white background.

Can We Smile in Biometric Photographs?

ICAO standards recommend capturing the face directly, looking straight ahead without any expression.

Posted on March 18, 2024, by Selfipass Inc. All Rights Reserved.