ID Photo

What is an ID photo?

ID photographs are a special type of biometric photo used in official identification documents, required to verify a person's identity.

What are the uses of the ID photo?

The most common uses of ID photos are identity cards, driver's licenses and passports. It is also used in official transactions and documents such as family wallets, subscription transactions, bank transactions, military transactions, insurance transactions, customs transactions, entry permit cards of some institutions and worker cards.

What should the ID photo be like?

In order for your ID photo to be accepted by official institutions, it must comply with the ICAO standards. When these rules are followed, your ID photo will be correct.

  • Your photo must have been taken within the last 6 (six) months.

  • The background should be plain, clean, white and shadow-free.

  • Your photo should have neutral colors.

  • The photo must be frameless.

  • You should look directly at the camera, and the photo should be taken from the full front, with your head upright.

  • Your face should have a natural posture instead of smiling-like facial expressions.

  • The light hitting the face should be natural and even. Photographs should be taken without shadows on your face or in the background.

  • There should be no ink marks, stains or wrinkles in your photo. Photo printing must be in natural colors and high resolution.

  • The photo should be taken without using accessories such as hats, jewelry, headphones and sunglasses.

  • If you wear prescription glasses, the eyes should be clearly visible.

  • Care should be taken to avoid red eyes in photos taken with flash.

The photos you take with are automatically adjusted to comply with ICAO and the standards of the country you have selected. provides a guaranteed acceptance service thanks to its special software and algorithms. We have compiled answers to more detailed questions about identity photos down below.

What should be the dimensions of the ID photo?

The sizes of ID photographs vary depending on the country's own standards. These dimensions are determined as 35x45 mm in European countries, 50x50 mm in America, and 50x60 mm in Turkey.

If you can't find the standards of the country you're looking for, don't worry. automatically organizes your biometric ID photos according to the standards of the country you choose.

Is a biometric photo required for a new ID?

Yes, biometric photographs are required for new ID cards.

Can an ID photo be used to apply for a passport?

Your identity photo can be used as a passport photo as long as it complies with ICAO standards and has been taken within the last six (6) months.

How long is the identity photo valid for?

The ID photo has no expiration date. However, when your ID card expires, is lost, or your photo is worn beyond recognition, you must take a new photo and apply for a new ID card.

From what age is a photo ID card issued?

The age to obtain a photo ID card varies depending on your country and is mandatory in all countries of the world starting from the age of eighteen (18). Photo ID cards are available from age twelve (12) in the United Kingdom, thirteen (13) in France, fourteen (14) in Japan, fifteen (15) in Turkey and sixteen (16) in the USA.

ID photo with headscarf

In your ID photo with your headscarf on, your face should be visible from the tip of your chin to your forehead. Your headscarf should not cover your facial features.

ID photo for children

While holding your child, your torso, arms and hands should not be visible in the photo. Everything else is the same as the photographic standards of an adult individual.

Is it possible to wear make-up in your ID photo?

When applying make-up in your ID photo, choose pastel tones and do not apply contour that will alter facial features. Also, do not cover distinctive marks such as birthmarks on the face.

Are accessories used in ID photos?

No, do not use accessories unless necessary.

Can ID photos be taken with a beard and moustache?

Yes, passport photos can be taken with a beard and moustache. However, your beard and mustache should not cover your facial features and especially your chin

What should be worn in the ID photo?

There is no written rule about this. However, do not choose a white top as the photo background must be white.

Can ID photos be taken with ethnic clothes?

You can have your passport photograph taken in your ethnic attire as long as it does not obscure your identifying facial features such as your eyes, eyebrows, and chin.

Can we smile in our ID photo?

Your face should be centered, looking straight ahead. It should be taken without showing any facial expressions.

Posted on April 3,2024 by Selfipass Inc. All Rights Reserved.